Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This topic is about another big passion in my life, cooking. What can I say I love cooking. You start off with a bunch of different items and combine them to create a delicious meal. Cooking for me is a great stress reliever. Sure it can be difficult however I see it as a challenge. I remember being little and cooking with my dad and sister. They used to have cooking shows :). I love those memories. I have also been a person who loves sitting down with my family and enjoying a home cooked meal. Our society is all about rushing through life, getting from one place to another quickly. i say slow down and enjoy life. I have mastered some dishes well. It is funny because I don't exactly have a recipe to these dishes. I cook by taste of the spices. I am well versed in spices and use almost every spice I have. I could turn this passion into a career but I feel this passion would lose its glimmer to me. I enjoy cooking for my family and friends. Baking is fun too for me. It has been said a person is only good at one thing, cooking or baking. I am good at both. Cooking and baking takes patience. I have burned dishes, had to start over, cut and burned myself, made things that were terrible. All these obstacles have not deterred me from my passion. I have never seen cooking as time consuming. I enjoy to watch cooking shows and have learned so much from some of the greatest cooks.
I urge you to try to cook something that you have never made before or something that failed you and really give it love and time, the result will be a meal that will great!

The Red Sox

If you know me, you know I love the Red Sox.. During their season I watch almost every game. I have been to Fenway to see them already once this 2010 season. I have been a life long fan of the team. The best thing is that the team has tremendous sports men ship, passion, and try to play each game as it is the last game of the season. Each member has a great quality and brings something different to the team. Sure, I am aware we have only won 7 World Series Championships (1903, 1912, 1916, 1918, 2004, 2007). I think the trophy loses its luster if your team wins all the time. A quote from one of my favorite movies is,
"That's right. I mean - why? Because they haven't won a World Series in a century or so? So what? They're here. Every April, they're here. At 1:05 or at 7:05, there is a game. And if it gets rained out, guess what? They make it up to you. Does anyone else in your life do that? The Red Sox don't get divorced. This is a real family. This is the family that's here for you." Fever Pitch


Welcome to the blogging world

Hello to the blogging world... I have never been interested in a blog, I will give it a shot as I loved keeping a journal. My sister loves to blog. Where to begin with my blog is the most difficult I guess. I guess for today I will remark on the process of setting up a blog was, it was very easy. I am big into facebook so maybe blogging will be the same.