Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Red Sox

If you know me, you know I love the Red Sox.. During their season I watch almost every game. I have been to Fenway to see them already once this 2010 season. I have been a life long fan of the team. The best thing is that the team has tremendous sports men ship, passion, and try to play each game as it is the last game of the season. Each member has a great quality and brings something different to the team. Sure, I am aware we have only won 7 World Series Championships (1903, 1912, 1916, 1918, 2004, 2007). I think the trophy loses its luster if your team wins all the time. A quote from one of my favorite movies is,
"That's right. I mean - why? Because they haven't won a World Series in a century or so? So what? They're here. Every April, they're here. At 1:05 or at 7:05, there is a game. And if it gets rained out, guess what? They make it up to you. Does anyone else in your life do that? The Red Sox don't get divorced. This is a real family. This is the family that's here for you." Fever Pitch



  1. Hello, CHewins. This is Terri Beth, from your childhood. Amber's blog sent me here. I like the Red Sox, too! Why does Jeremy Hermida have to be injured?? I want him back!! ;)

  2. Hello Terri Beth, how are you?? I am glad to hear you like the sox, great team! I know... another good player to be on the disabled list.. I am hoping this wont hurt us for a shot for the world series. Tonight was a great game.. hope they keep up the good work..

  3. I think it is cute that Terri Beth identifies herself as being from your childhood.
